Graph Resources Using Gnuplot on Linux

My previous post dealt with retrieving some data and then dumping it into a csv file. Here is a script and gnuplot configs that creates an index page. The script finds all the csv files in the specified $DIRECTORY. For every csv file found, a new *_summary directory is created with an index.html files, and the png graph images.

This is the main script file. Make sure to adjust the DIRECTORY and GRAPHDIR variables for your environment.

#directory that contains the csv files
#directory that contains the gnuplot config files

for f in $( ls "$DIRECTORY"/*.csv ); do
        HTMLDIR=$(echo "$f" | sed 's/.csv//g')
        #echo HTMLDIR is "$HTMLDIR"

        mkdir -vp "$HTMLDIR"_summary

        echo "$f" > "$DIRECTORY"/gnuplot_variable.txt

        /usr/bin/gnuplot -e "filename='$f'" "$GRAPHDIR"/ > "$HTMLDIR"_summary/temperature.png
        /usr/bin/gnuplot -e "filename='$f'" "$GRAPHDIR"/ > "$HTMLDIR"_summary/memory.png
        /usr/bin/gnuplot -e "filename='$f'" "$GRAPHDIR"/ > "$HTMLDIR"_summary/cpu.png

        #Create webpage
        echo "<center>"$HTMLDIR"</center><br><br>" > "$HTMLDIR"_summary/index.html
        echo "<center><img src="cpu.png"></center><br><br>" >> "$HTMLDIR"_summary/index.html
        echo "<center><img src="memory.png"></center><br>" >> "$HTMLDIR"_summary/index.html
        echo "<center><img src="temperature.png"></center><br>" >> "$HTMLDIR"_summary/index.html


#Create index webpage
echo "<center><b>Index</b></center><br><br>" > "$DIRECTORY"/index.html

for d in $( ls -d "$DIRECTORY"/*_summary | xargs -n 1 basename ); do
        echo  "<a href=$d>$d</a><br>" >> "$DIRECTORY"/index.html

All the *.gp files should be in $GRAPHDIR. All graphs are sized at 1000x400.

This template graphs 1, 5, and 15 minute CPU load over time.

set terminal pngcairo size 1000,400
set datafile separator ","

set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S"
set format x "%H:%M"

set xlabel "Time (Hour:Minute GMT)"
set ylabel "CPU"

set title "CPU"
set key below
set style data line
set grid

plot filename using 1:4 title "1 min", filename using 1:5 title "5 min", filename using 1:6 title "15 min"


This template graphs Free, Cached, and Total Memory.

set terminal pngcairo size 1000,400
set datafile separator ","

set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S"
set format x "%H:%M"

set xlabel "Time (Hour:Minute GMT)"
set ylabel "Memory (KB)"

set title "Memory"
set key below
set style data line
set grid

plot filename using 1:8 title "Free", filename using 1:7 title "Total", filename using 1:9 title "Cached"


This template graphs degrees celcius over time.

set terminal pngcairo size 1000,400
set datafile separator ","

set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S"
set format x "%H:%M"

set xlabel "Time (Hour:Minute GMT)"
set ylabel "Celcius"

set title "CPU Temperature"
set key below
set style data line
set grid

plot filename using 1:3 title "Degrees Celcius"


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